First day of winter, and some activity tips
Can i say so? It´s snowing today. Looks really cool. We have this small field next to our home, and there is almost all the time some deers. Imagine, sun is shining just enough to make the snowflakes look like fancy glitter falling down from the sky, deers staring straight at me from the middle of this view. Too bad my camera is useless from that kinda distance. It´s maybe less than 100 meters but still too much for my toy. Anyway.
What´s new, what´s new... My school started last week. I decided to study at night school, there is less days to physically be on the place, and we don´t have too many theoretical classes. Just being in the kitchen (i´m gonna be baker!)
Yesterday we went bouldering, and it was so nice! That was my 4th time, there (at the hall, i´ve tried couple of times outside too but it´s much more difficult) and i got my first 6, actually i think 6a+! Feels good.
You know, i hate sports. I rode all my childhood, and that was nice, i´ve always loved animals. But it became too expensive when i moved to live on my own (atleast here in Finland it´s crazy expensive) so i quit and didn´t do anything except some jogging and gym maybe once a year. Then few years later i started gym with my boyfriend, as i told in some previous post, but i never liked it. And when you do something that you, well, basically hate, it won´t last long. You need to find something you truly like, even love! And then you build your health and lifestyle around that thing. You know? For many people it seems to be "I hate gym/jogging (usually those two)but i do it anyway to stay fit", when there is so many activities to do and actually enjoy! When you find your passion, you don´t even realize that "getting fit" part, it just happens! And i don´t mean crazy fit, just normal, healthy fit that i believe in. Big guns doesn´t bring you health. There is something else in it. Health is a state of mind too. And i hope everyone understands what i mean. If you love gym and THAT is what you do for passion, then good for you. But now all tips about fitness and wellness you hear is "go to the gym! Squat!" when there is bunch of other ways too. Gym is just not for all of us. And hey, i can actually throw some ideas for active lifestyle here
Possibly the best thing for your body. Moving in the nature. Run up the bumpy hills in the forest, take a break up there, breath in that awesome freshness. Admire the view. Everyone must go to the nature, that´s where we came from, that´s what our stressed minds and bodies crave!
There is also so much to do while in the nature. You can for example boulder, climb trees, search for eatable stuff, make a campfire (if allowed) and brew a cup of coffee (nothing tastes better than campfire coffee!), or just take a good sunny spot and do stretching or yoga.
And that´s actually my next recommendation. If you are lazy and useless person like me, you may not have enough energy to actually go to classes. But yoga is perfect activity to do at home! If you want, you can study from youtube. Or then just do it by listening your own body. Make your livingroom inspirational and warm with stuff that makes YOU feel good. And IF cannabis is legal in your country, smoke that! Cannabis and yoga are perfect match!
Walking dogs
I´m not quite sure how to make this happen. Maybe you can umm try internet, or ask your neighbours who has dogs, or put posters on your local markets? But what i know for sure, many dog owners would love some help with that! Usually people think about walking dogs for some extra money. But you can also take it as a nice activity and company that makes this jogging thing much more bearable! It´s not all about money!
And then there is bouldering, that so many of us seems to love these days. And no wonder. Humans are climbers. If you already suffer of back/neck/shoulder pain or some other, you need to try this. Bouldering puts all of your joints to move, using whole trajectory. And it´s so revarding, because we are good climbers as i said. You will see progress in really short time.
Other option is wallclimbing, which is possibly even more known sport. Pretty much same idea, but bigger and higher walls and with climbing harness.
Hah, i didn´t even plan to write about this, but there you go.
I´m just gonna use random shots of my kitties and apartment for this post, because i think they turned out nicely and it was my meaning to write and use them that same day as i took them, but i didn´t, so imma share them this time :-)
Now i´m getting hungry. And i should possibly clean up too. So i´m gonna stop here and now. Have a good one!
What´s new, what´s new... My school started last week. I decided to study at night school, there is less days to physically be on the place, and we don´t have too many theoretical classes. Just being in the kitchen (i´m gonna be baker!)
Yesterday we went bouldering, and it was so nice! That was my 4th time, there (at the hall, i´ve tried couple of times outside too but it´s much more difficult) and i got my first 6, actually i think 6a+! Feels good.
You know, i hate sports. I rode all my childhood, and that was nice, i´ve always loved animals. But it became too expensive when i moved to live on my own (atleast here in Finland it´s crazy expensive) so i quit and didn´t do anything except some jogging and gym maybe once a year. Then few years later i started gym with my boyfriend, as i told in some previous post, but i never liked it. And when you do something that you, well, basically hate, it won´t last long. You need to find something you truly like, even love! And then you build your health and lifestyle around that thing. You know? For many people it seems to be "I hate gym/jogging (usually those two)but i do it anyway to stay fit", when there is so many activities to do and actually enjoy! When you find your passion, you don´t even realize that "getting fit" part, it just happens! And i don´t mean crazy fit, just normal, healthy fit that i believe in. Big guns doesn´t bring you health. There is something else in it. Health is a state of mind too. And i hope everyone understands what i mean. If you love gym and THAT is what you do for passion, then good for you. But now all tips about fitness and wellness you hear is "go to the gym! Squat!" when there is bunch of other ways too. Gym is just not for all of us. And hey, i can actually throw some ideas for active lifestyle here
Possibly the best thing for your body. Moving in the nature. Run up the bumpy hills in the forest, take a break up there, breath in that awesome freshness. Admire the view. Everyone must go to the nature, that´s where we came from, that´s what our stressed minds and bodies crave!
There is also so much to do while in the nature. You can for example boulder, climb trees, search for eatable stuff, make a campfire (if allowed) and brew a cup of coffee (nothing tastes better than campfire coffee!), or just take a good sunny spot and do stretching or yoga.
And that´s actually my next recommendation. If you are lazy and useless person like me, you may not have enough energy to actually go to classes. But yoga is perfect activity to do at home! If you want, you can study from youtube. Or then just do it by listening your own body. Make your livingroom inspirational and warm with stuff that makes YOU feel good. And IF cannabis is legal in your country, smoke that! Cannabis and yoga are perfect match!
Walking dogs
I´m not quite sure how to make this happen. Maybe you can umm try internet, or ask your neighbours who has dogs, or put posters on your local markets? But what i know for sure, many dog owners would love some help with that! Usually people think about walking dogs for some extra money. But you can also take it as a nice activity and company that makes this jogging thing much more bearable! It´s not all about money!
And then there is bouldering, that so many of us seems to love these days. And no wonder. Humans are climbers. If you already suffer of back/neck/shoulder pain or some other, you need to try this. Bouldering puts all of your joints to move, using whole trajectory. And it´s so revarding, because we are good climbers as i said. You will see progress in really short time.
Other option is wallclimbing, which is possibly even more known sport. Pretty much same idea, but bigger and higher walls and with climbing harness.
Hah, i didn´t even plan to write about this, but there you go.
I´m just gonna use random shots of my kitties and apartment for this post, because i think they turned out nicely and it was my meaning to write and use them that same day as i took them, but i didn´t, so imma share them this time :-)
Now i´m getting hungry. And i should possibly clean up too. So i´m gonna stop here and now. Have a good one!
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